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BOERNE, Texas - Sweeney Enterprises, Inc., the oldest manufacturer of automated feeding systems for game and fish management, has introduced the newest in protein feeders for deer. "This new timed trough feeder is our answer to what wildlife managers and serious deer hunters have wanted," said Zach Sweeney, president of the Boerne, Texas manufacturer. Capable of handling 300- to 650-pound capacities, the new unit "provides control and flexibility over a feeding program," added Sweeney. "With a timed trough feeder this is the most effective way of feeding protein to deer. There's no waste factor." The game manager or deer hunter can set the time and amount of each feeding with up to 24 feedings per day. "Feed the deer, not the varmints," said Sweeney, whose family-built company has been the leader in supplemental feeding systems for game and fish since 1968. Also new to the Sweeney product line is a protein feeder module that converts most of the company's scatter feeders to protein feeders. "It's easy to switch from scattering corn to dropping protein feed into the trough or back again as needed. The deer's feeding habits change and your system needs to change too," pointed out Sweeney. The design of the circular feeder trough is of spun aluminum 22 inches diameter by 2 inches deep, with smooth edges and no rough spots to cut or injure the animals. The slight conical shape spreads the feed out evenly. Users can choose from an elevated, four-legged pod stand or a ground-mounted unit. Observations made by Sweeney field testers show deer will more readily feed on protein pellets in a trough than scattered on the ground. "Deer will root in the dirt for corn," acknowledges Sweeney, "but are less aggressive hunting pellets." He points out, "Our ability to interface the new module with most of the existing Sweeney scatter feeders will increase the effectiveness of the feeders. And it won't be necessary to buy a new unit to enjoy the benefits of the trough feeder." Research and experience have confirmed the value of supplemental feeding to deer according to Ray Scott, president of the Whitetail Institute of North America. Since 1988, Scott's organization has succeeded in developing and pioneering top-quality deer management through better deer nutrition. Measurable results in improved antlers, body weight and overall health of animals are the result. As proof, Scott points to the over 440 percent increase of trophy-size bucks recorded by Boone & Crockett and registered by Pope & Young in the past decade. "This is the direct result of preaching better deer nutrition and teaching wise harvest of bucks," believes Scott, who now serves as a national spokesman to promote Sweeney's automated feeding systems. "We are what we eat," declares Scott, whose Whitetail Institute's organization changed the face of deer management and hunting across the country with the introduction of super high-protein Imperial Whitetail Clover and the growing use of planting food plots. "It's the case of the right food at the right time in a deer's diet," continues Scott. "It's a fact planting wheat, oats, rye and cereal grains attract deer, but doesn't help the deer. They're a little better than junk food. We want to grow healthy animals with larger racks." Sweeney and Scott both emphasize the importance of supplemental feeding after the exhausting rut activity. "There's less natural forage and the animals will be stressed and lose body weight. By December, deer especially need high-protein food to grow big racks and be healthy," said Sweeney. Scott says plantings of the Whitetail Institute's Imperial Whitetail seed products provide up to 30 to 35 percent of the needed protein for a deer's nutritional requirements. "Sweeney's automated feeding systems in combination with food plot plantings will attract and hold more game and impact the quality of the deer herd," according to Scott, who publishes the findings in his "Whitetail News," read by some 200,000 field testers of the company's seed products. For information, log on to www.whitetailinstitute.com or write: Ray Scott, president, Whitetail News, 239 Whitetail Trail, Pintlala, AL 36043 or call 1-800-688-3030. The larger capacity model PF1BGM protein feeder, in Zach Sweeney's judgment, will prove most popular with deer hunters. The deluxe timer allows the user to set up to two dozen feeding times and the amount of feed dispensed over 24 hours. The unit holds about 650 pounds of feed. To obtain information on the new automated Sweeney
trough feeding system, and the company's other feeders, visit their website
at: www.sweeneyfeeders.com
or write for product information to: Zach Sweeney, president, Sweeney
Enterprises, Inc., 321 Waring Welfare Rd., Boerne, TX 78006. Telephone